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Since 1895, Pasquaney has pursued the goal set by its founder, Edward Simpson Wilson: “To provide a healthful and natural life in the woods, a life which will make boys strong, confident, … self-reliant and efficient, able to do and think for others as well as themselves.” We pursue this goal beneath towering white pines, on a mountainside above Newfound Lake, one of the clearest lakes in the United States. 

The center of our work is teaching skills and lessons that boys will use for the rest of their lives: how to make friends, live in community, navigate conflict and adversity, set goals, develop a routine, learn new things, complete long-term projects, help others, and live a happy lifestyle. While many of these skills are developed naturally through the challenges of activities, living in close quarters with people from a variety of backgrounds, and tackling daily chores together, campers are also given regular opportunities to reflect on and learn from these experiences. Each boy is assigned a counsellor advisor who meets with him weekly to help each camper learn from his successes and challenges. Campers also attend weekly Tree Talks and Chapel Talks in which counsellors and the Director speak on the importance of life lessons and values like honesty, courage, seizing opportunity, and kindness.

Campers and counsellors often mention the difficulty of explaining Pasquaney to family and friends. It must be experienced to be understood. A visit before coming as a camper or attending a local gathering helps a boy and his family to get a sense of our community.

Camp is a fragile thing, yet year after year we build it again because in the crafting of our community we are also thinking hard about and working toward becoming the people we most want to be. And there is so much fun to have together in the process!
Townley ChisholmCounsellor 1982-1996, 1998-2004, 2006-present